Student feedback has never been more valuable, but you need the majority of students to
participate in course evaluations or you miss out on reliably actionable data. As you connect with students virtually, how do you make sure they complete their evals (when you’re not there to hand out and collect paper copies)?
Digital classes require digital course evaluations. It may seem tough to make the change from in-person to online, but digitizing your student surveys has significant benefits:
Here’s how to encourage student participation in course evaluations and create a more complete data set.
Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys is purpose-built for higher education and offers a rich set of features to help you achieve your response rate goals. With turnkey LMS integrations for Blackboard, Canvas, D2L, Moodle, and more, we can get you up and running quickly and give you access to the data you need to answer big-picture questions and make meaningful improvements.
See how our tools are helping clients right now, get in-depth information on topics that matter, and stay up-to-date on trends in higher ed.