Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys

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Quality feedback, deeper insights, instant results

Make student feedback the focus of your campus picture. Simplify the course evaluation process and convert results into actionable next steps.

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Course Evaluations & Surveys by the numbers


response rate


student surveys annually


instructors and TAs use this solution


days to implement

Engage students where they are

Turn feedback into insights


  • Increase response rates with deep LMS integrations.
  • Manage your evaluation process without intense IT demands.
  • Automate results distribution, analyze trends over time.

What to expect

Purpose-built for higher ed course evaluations

Take a closer look at Course Evaluations & Surveys

What do our clients have to say?

“Last spring, our response rates were in the 30% range. Our first semester using Course Evaluations & Surveys, we were at 83%. The only thing that changed was the technology.”
Jami Woods, Vice President of Instruction and Student Services at Roanoke-Chowan Community College
“Getting proper…course evaluation results has given us clarity as to what’s actually happening within divisions and programs. We’re swimming in good data now.”
Dr. Anthony Berrios, Ph.D., Vice President of Academic Affairs at Florida National University
“We wanted a tool that fit our process and offered possibilities. Watermark allowed us to take course evaluations and integrate them into Canvas. It had everything in one package.”
Sanne Tanghe, Quality Assurance at Howest University of Applied Sciences

See Course Evaluations & Surveys in action

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