With a SACSCOC reaffirmation on the horizon, Union University needed a new way to manage their accreditation and assessment processes. By transitioning to Watermark Planning & Self-Study, the team was able to get up and running quickly, increase buy-in across campus, and cut reporting time in half.
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Learn how The University of Alabama College of Education has reimagined a new collaborative culture that highlights assessment with a data-first mindset.
How military-friendly Fayetteville Technical Community College meets the needs of its uniquely mobile student population.
How Haywood Community College used team advising, responsive processes, and innovative software to reach enrollment and retention goals.
An anonymous multimillion-dollar gift. New leadership, programs, and systems. How a secluded North Carolina institution came back to life.
Learn how the small but mighty Florida National University accreditation team utilized technology and teamwork to lead a culture shift on campus and secure their SACSCOC reaffirmation.
Learn about which solutions Middle Tennessee State University chose and how they created a unique, 4-step approach to get the faculty onboarded.
Roanoke-Chowan Community College replaced their existing course evaluation solution with Watermark and response rates tripled. Learn how you can do the same in this case study.
Learn how College of St. Mary used Watermark’s student success solution to create a more effective student retention strategy that keeps students on track.
By adopting Watermark Faculty Success, UNCW was able to get 100% buy-in at the three schools within the first year. How? Clearly defined use cases, alignment with processes, and a pilot program.
Student Learning & Licensure helped the College of Education and Human Services at Seton Hall University create reports to satisfy CAEP requirements and track student progress across programs.
A consistent approach to faculty activity reporting creates a single source of truth that both faculty and administrators can rely on. Learn how the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business did it.
Purdue adopted Planning & Self-Study to track and monitor this assessment effectively include data about service activities into key reports. Now, their faculty see the value of outcomes reporting.
By implementing Faculty Success, West Virginia University eliminated a paper-based process and made it possible to pull accreditation reports quickly and easily.
Binders offer a snapshot of a person's academic story and career path at a specific point in time. Learn how Columbus State used Faculty Success to create more dynamic faculty activity reports.
Learn how Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University uses Course Evaluations & Surveys to gather feedback that supports program review and accreditation in addition to faculty review.
Texas State University experienced incredible time savings after implementing Watermark Faculty Success, thanks to automated review, promotion and tenure processes and easy data entry.
Loyola University New Orleans created an effective digital process for course evaluations and surveys that gives faculty valuable feedback in real time, while keeping it simple for students.
Planning & Self-Study helped the University of North Alabama get more than 85% of faculty to finish annual reporting on time.
Watermark helped Emory University implement a single course evaluation tool that was fully integrated with Canvas, creating a more consistent experience for students.
When Bossier Parish Community College implemented Course Evaluations & Surveys (formerly EvaluationKIT), the amount of money saved on paper alone offset the license cost, while response rates doubled.