University of Holy Cross Eliminated PDFs and Paper Assessments for 90% of Faculty

When the University of Holy Cross began planning the data collection process for their Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), they were facing the possibility of going through piles of paper copies of rubrics, tallying scores, and creating endless Excel spreadsheets.

By implementing Watermark Planning & Self-Study, they were able to streamline data collection and reporting and get over 90% of faculty on board with the new system.

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How Planning & Self-Study showed Purdue’s faculty the value of outcomes reporting
How Planning & Self-Study showed Purdue’s faculty the value of outcomes reporting

Purdue adopted Planning & Self-Study to track and monitor this assessment effectively include data about se...

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Faculty Success Helps West Virginia University Ace Higher Learning Commission Review
Faculty Success Helps West Virginia University Ace Higher Learning Commission Review

By implementing Faculty Success, West Virginia University eliminated a paper-based process and made it poss...

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