Client Resources Kit

Whether you’re just starting out or have been a long-time member of the Watermark Community, the resources on this page can assist you in beginning or continuing to communicate your goals and vision for improving outcomes.

two women are sitting at a table with books and a laptop

Set yourself up for success

No matter the Watermark solutions you’re using, you’ll find suggested approaches for communicating why your institution is partnering with Watermark and how your selected Watermark solutions align with the goals of your institution. You can customize these resources and use each best practice as an opportunity to reinforce your institution’s commitment to improving learning. The downloadable guide includes a variety of practical recommendations for:

Letters from leadership templates

If you’re implementing a Watermark solution for one of the following key areas, we’ve put together letter templates by audience that you may want to consider using with your leadership. These templates are arranged by solution areas and include language for your key audiences (students, faculty) and are meant to be customized to fit your needs.

Additional resources

The following resources, including logos and support guides, are intended to be used for any customized guides you wish to create, in addition to the ones already provided. Please email if you have any questions about logo use.

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