Dive Deeper into Outcomes Assessment Projects (formerly Aqua) with New Reporting Filters

September 18, 2023 Andrea Costa

Earlier this year, we expanded the Outcomes Assessment Projects (formerly Aqua) platform with new abilities for organizing your student work by course section and term. Today, we’re happy to share some additional Outcomes Assessment Projects (formerly Aqua) enhancements that will provide even better access to more relevant data—making it easier than ever to analyze and report on student learning.

For those of you ready to dive deeper, refine further, and disaggregate results in your world of analytics, get ready for a victory dance … You can now filter Outcome Performance Reports by course section and term, as well as by  student GPA and Credits Earned.

Course Section & Term Filtering

By filtering for course sections and terms in your Performance Reports now, you can minimize “noise” downstream by reducing the number of submissions considered in the calculations. And that gives you more meaningful graphs that only include information from the specific course sections and terms you’ve identified.

aqua new reporting filtersaqua reporting filters example with watermark

GPA & Credits Earned Filtering

In January, we enhanced Outcomes Assessment Projects (formerly Aqua) with new abilities that let you add these term-specific student data points to support more detailed analysis of performance results. With the enhancements released today, you can further hone in on your results by reporting on a range of GPA and Credits Earned values.

Not only is this data-tastic, but it also allows you to reduce the number of submissions considered in the calculations. Similar to the victory dance you just did for the new Course Sections & Terms, these advanced filters give you faster access to the data you really need.

With graphs that clearly show students with GPA or Credits Earned values within the range of terms you’ve specified, accurately measuring and reporting on student performance is simply easier.

Dive Deeper into Outcomes Assessment Projects (formerly Aqua) with New Reporting Filters on Watermark

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